I love growing things! My flat is filled with greenery and I swear that sending a little bit of love and attention in the direction of my plants everyday is the number one factor in how healthy they are.
Since lockdown began, I’ve started growing more edible plants. This is partly because, in the early stages, we weren’t allowed to spend as much time outside in nature as I usually would, so I had to bring even more of it inside. It was also because we massively upgraded the quality of the fruit and veg we were eating by signing up to an organic veg box delivery service from Root 22 Organic, so I thought I’d have a go at regrowing a few things. And by the way I highly recommend checking out Root 22 if you’re local to Liverpool.
I originally got into regrowing veg from veg, instead of from seed, after watching the video that I’ll share at the bottom of this post. Since then, I’ve grown loads!
My favourite at the moment is my enormous horseradish; I wanted to make an immune boosting fire tonic last winter but couldn’t find organic horseradish anywhere, then I read that it’s easy to grow. Turns out it really is. I ordered organic starter roots (amusingly known as horseradish thongs) from eBay and now have two plants on the balcony. I’ve been adding the huge leaves to salads and they are so tasty, if you like the strong taste of horseradish that is!
I’m assured that there will be an abundance of roots when I come to harvest later in the year to make my fire tonic (a potion to rival anything Professor Sprout ever cooked up, you’ll find lots of recipes online – I haven’t decided which exact one I’ll use as yet but will share the details when I do).
In the meantime take a look at the video below, which shows you how to very easily grow loads of things from the veg you probably already have in your fridge. I don’t have a lot of space, just a balcony, but have various herbs, a few lettuce and salad onions – regrowing from ones delivered in our veg box – and a small but healthy lemon tree!
I’m even growing loofah plants! Until a few months ago I thought loofahs came from under the sea, like sponges. but they are actually a type of squash. Who knew? They mostly grow in much hotter places than the Northwest of England but mine are looking happy enough in my little balcony greenhouse so far. They were grown from seed by the way. I doubt you would have much luck if you planted a shop bought loofah!
Enjoy the video, which is from a YouTube channel I love called Daisy Creek Farms with Jog Singh, and let me know if you give any of the ideas a try.