Soul Scripting Online Course

Woman journaling on a mountaintop

✨ Do MORE with journaling

✨ Liberate your self-expression

Do you feel blocked, underestimated or stuck in a rut? Can you feel your potential, but struggle to express it?
The Soul Scripting Online Course will take you on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. You’ll meet your most creative self. You’ll experience the joy of being in flow. And you’ll learn how to tap into that powerful state, anytime you choose.
Feel more present, grounded, grateful, self-aware and creative! Learn simple (yet profound) journaling exercises that you’ll return to for life.

The Therapeutic Writing Process by Gillian Torres

The Soul Scripting Process was developed by writer and creativity coach Gillian Torres. In this course, Gillian guides you on a meditative writing journey. You may have tried some of these practices before (though it doesn't matter if you haven't) but the combination will take you somewhere entirely new. Inspire yourself from the inside out and experience creative liberation!

What's included in the Soul Scripting online course?

  • A tried and tested process, informed by science 
  • Four therapeutic writing workshops 
  • Enough writing exercises, guided meditations, video tuition and additional resources to keep you inspired for months
  • A powerful journey of self-discovery that will take you somewhere new every time
‘A gentle, beautiful and thought provoking exploration of the psyche, inspiring lots of ideas and a massive boost to creativity.’
'I really enjoyed my time with Gillian. I feel I am going to learn a lot about myself over the next few months, applying the techniques she has taught me. It's going to change my life!'
Office worker

Soul Scripting is a therapeutic writing process and a mindfulness practice, suitable for all levels of ability and experience. 

Sign up now to fill your toolbox with therapeutic writing techniques you’ll turn to for life. 

Gain clarity, process life experiences, develop a deep connection to your intuition and stay creatively inspired!

This personal, private practice is perfect for complete beginners. It’s also a fantastic tool for professional writers and creative teams

Still got questions?

'Soul Scripting is a beautiful practice that gives some structure to the free writing process. Each stage of the framework takes you a little bit deeper into yourself - it's basically akin to a guided meditation but on paper! Throughout the process Gillian is there as a facilitator, offering gentle encouragement and guidance. For anyone who wants to offload, to resolve inner issues and to know themselves more deeply, then I would highly recommend trying out Gillian's Soul Scripting.'
Facebook review
'A fantastic experience which has given me both the confidence to write again alongside some personal insights, which will help me to move forward.'
'It was so beneficial for my personal development! The writing exercises and Gill's guidance brought me so many insights, showed to me inner places I didn't know before. I highly recommend Soul Scripting, gentle and deep writing practise!'
Facebook review
'The workshop was very useful as it reawoke my love of writing just for writing's sake - not for anyone else. I felt by the end of it I had embarked on a personal journey to discover my inner self through the exercises we did. Very uplifting and empowering. Thanks. Fantastic teacher.'
Medical secretary
'There is a healing element to the process no matter which walk of life you're from or what your experiences have been. Greatly recommend.'
'Amazing and unique session to really get into the flow of writing and connecting to yourself at a deeper level. I did the workshop months ago and still using the techniques each day.'
Facebook review
'A powerful and illuminating experience. The techniques Gillian has developed are a wonderful path to mindfulness which, I think, would benefit any writer willing to embrace the magic that lies behind the craft.'
Facebook review