Therapeutic Writing
AKA shamanic journaling!

Forget about the craft of writing for a minute. I know that’s hard to do – you’ve been taught to do it ‘properly’ (I bet you even correct the grammar in WhatsApp messages). Here though, there is no right way to write.

This is where the wheels come off and your creativity really flies!

But what actually IS therapeutic writing?

It’s the practice of journaling, usually by hand, to support yourself mentally, emotionally and creatively. To help you stay inspired. To keep you creating with passion and purpose, whatever life throws at you.

In fact, it helps you take what life throws at you and use it as fuel for your creative fire.

And it’s dead easy. My therapeutic journaling process – The Soul Scripting Process – is made up of very simple writing exercises that anyone can do. You don’t need to be spiritual, or a meditator. It’s earned the nickname ‘shamanic journaling’ because you just pick up a pen and the techniques lead you, step by step, on an journey of exploration, insight and inspiration!

Soul Scripting is a private, personal, liberating form of self-expression

It has some powerful benefits.

  • Feel more present and mindful, without sitting in meditation
  • Transform your inner voice from a critic to a friend
  • Find an outlet for parts of yourself that you usually hide
  • Safely explore bold new ideas
  • Get in touch with the most creative, wise and visionary parts of yourself any time you like 

We all need spaces where we can be our whole selves, without fear of judgement

Use the Soul Scripting Process to create your own safe place, on the page.

  • Experience positive psychology in action
  • Find clarity
  • Live with intention
  • Drop into the powerful state of creative flow whenever you choose!

Ready to give it a go?

Where to practice therapeutic writing

Free Exercises

There are loads of free therapeutic writing exercises on my blog. Start here if you don't want to wait for my next workshop. And sign up to my mailing list (at the bottom of the page) to instantly receive a free mini-workshop via email.

Workshops and Talks

Join Soul Scripting Sunday - a live, online session that I run every month, for free. You can also join me for an in-person event, or arrange one of your own. I love designing tailored sessions for organisations and events.

Soul Scripting Online Course

Four workshops, on-demand that lead you round the whole Soul Scripting Therapeutic Writing Process. Only £36 (for now - the price will increase soon) for enough exercises, information and further resources to keep you inspired for months.

'Gillian held a contained and beautiful space of enquiry and exploration. I have left it a few days to comment purposefully and can honestly say I have had a more mindful week with lighter thoughts, less self criticism and greater insight. I would recommend this class to everyone and rate Gillian herself highly as a facilitator.'
Charity worker
'I’ve attended 4 or 5 of the Soul Scripting workshops with Gillian over the last year and each one has been transformation to my growth. Gillian holds the space in each workshop amazingly. Each element is handled with great delicacy taking you from one stage to the next. This woman knows her stuff. Highly recommend for writers and non writers.'
'The workshop has given me tools to use to stay grounded and in a very natural flow, whilst exploring a powerful shift in perspective and emotion. Thanks for facilitating my journey, and creating such a safe space in which to explore 'me'.'
Support worker