Screengrab of Gillian Torres presenting a webinar on YouTube

Free webinar – Introduction to Soul Scripting Workshop

This one is a bit more ‘woo woo’ than my usual offerings, and I love it!

If you like your journaling exercises with a side helping of spirituality, this free webinar is for you.

I offer workshops to lots of different audiences. More often than not, there’s no ‘woo’ at all. Ultimately, I want to support as many people as possible to connect to their potential, so I choose the most inclusive language I can. Whether we approach through the lens of creativity, spirituality or science, the results or these practices speak for themselves.

On this occasion, I was invited to host a workshop for an international group called Channelling Development and Spiritual Growth. They didn’t want me to dial it down. They booked me precisely because they know how fluent and practiced I am in the language of channelling and psychic development. 

If, like them, you’d like to:

  • connect more deeply to your intuition
  • develop your extra-sensory gifts
  • learn to channel your inner wisdom, without your inner editor blocking you

grab a pen and notepad, and press play.

This is the longest, most comprehensive Soul Scripting workshop I have ever made available free-of-charge! Give yourself a couple of hours to enjoy it.

Please, get in touch with your feedback. I’d love to know how you get on.

And, if you’d like me to run a similar workshop – online or in-person – for your group, I’d love to: