Liberate Your Creativity
A free mini workshop, by Gillian Torres
Liberating your creativity really means setting yourself free from limitations. Without blocks holding us back, we create naturally, all the time, in our own unique ways.
Grab a notebook and pen, then press play and dive into this mini workshop, to begin walking the path to creative liberation!
You can complete this workshop in around 20 minutes but there’s lots here, so you may find yourself spending longer. Go at your own pace and pause the video as often as you want along the way, to make notes.
How was that for you?
Hopefully you learned a lot, you felt a lot and you spent some time listening to and nurturing yourself.
You’ve only scratched the surface so far.
The next step on the path to creative liberation is to shape your list of desires into tangible, empowering intentions.
You have a limitless imagination, the power to respond creatively in every situation and the ability to shape your own reality. You can answer your own big questions and navigate blocks with ease. Trust me, you can prove all of this to yourself amazingly quickly, using super simple writing and visualisation exercises.
I’ve shared my methods with hundreds of people and seen profound shifts, realisations and transformations every time.
Get 12 months unlimited access to the Soul Scripting Therapeutic Writing Process now – four exclusive workshops, including video tuition, writing exercises and guided visualisations, designed to lead you on a powerful journey of self-discovery.